Tons of awesome features

To deal with all situations

WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder is packed with features that are meant to provide you with flexibility like no other. A host of solutions, customized to each need, from real-time allocated prices to massive booking systems. All of it is done in such a way that creating custom estimate forms will be intuitive to you, not only to gather information but, by means of calculations, to engage users with the final scope of working at ease so you can offer digital services with a few clicks.

Powerful Calculation System

Create precise and engaging cost estimation forms with our robust calculation system, user-friendly form designer tools, and drag-and-drop builder.

Result Display as Price Range

Offer flexible pricing by displaying results as a proportional or fixed price range, adding an element of anticipation to cost estimations.

Advanced Variables System

Customize your forms with advanced number and text variables for enhanced calculations and dynamic content display.

Import/Export Data System

Easily migrate or back up your data with our intuitive import/export system, ensuring seamless transitions between websites.

Automatic Updates

Keep your plugin updated with the latest features and improvements through our simple one-click update system.

Real-Time Estimations

Enhance user experience with real-time cost estimations, providing transparent and instant pricing during the selection process.

Distance Calculations

Accurately calculate costs based on location with precise distance calculations, optimizing cost-effectiveness for users.

Integration with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads

Seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads to create gift creators and smart product pack generators, bridging the gap between selection and purchase.

Advanced Booking System

Manage calendars, events, and reminders with our powerful booking system, automatically updating your schedule with new events.

Responsive Design

Ensure a perfect user experience on any device with our plugin’s adaptive design, providing a seamless layout on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Easy Payment Integration

Connect effortlessly with popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and Razorpay for secure and quick transactions.

Customizable Forms

Design tailor-made forms with our flexible builder and drag-and-drop functionality, capturing information in the style you want.

Interactive User Interface

Engage users with an intuitive and interactive interface, encouraging more interactions and conversions.

Advanced Analytics

Utilize insightful analytics to understand user behavior and form performance, optimizing for better user satisfaction and higher conversion rates.

Multilingual Support

Reach a global audience with our multilingual support feature, easily translating and localizing your forms.

Robust Security

Ensure maximum security for your users with stringent measures to safeguard sensitive data.

Versatile Form Builder

Create various forms including contact, quiz, booking, cost estimation, payment, and survey forms with ease.

Unprecedented Backend System

Manage multiple forms, steps, and elements effortlessly with seamless payment gateway integrations.

Form Designer Tools

Design stunning forms with drag-and-drop builder tools, ensuring an exceptional user experience.

Various Usage Scenarios

Customize forms for different purposes like project quotes, booking, and donations, enhancing website functionality.

Management of Multiple Forms

Easily manage your forms, steps, and elements for a streamlined user journey.

Powerful Conditional System

Visually link steps and add conditions to create a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Drag-and-Drop Builder

Effortlessly build customized cost estimation forms with our user-friendly drag-and-drop builder.

Customizable Components

Personalize components with sliders, images, icons, checkbox, switchbox, buttons, maps, color pickers, layered images, and more.

Advanced Multi-step System

Design and control form steps visually, linking steps and setting visibility conditions for complex form processes.

Effortless Online Payment

Enable easy online payments with Paypal, Stripe, Razorpay, or any WooCommerce payment gateway.

Dynamic Price Calculation

Define dynamic prices and quantities based on form elements with a visual calculation system for a customized user experience.

Geolocation Capabilities

Use map components to draw itineraries and calculate distances for price and quantity calculations with Google Maps API.

Smart Form Creation Wizard

Quickly configure your form settings and automatically define colors by uploading an image with our wizard tool.

Running Total & Subscriptions

Automatically calculate selected items and support subscriptions, showing a single total cost and recurring costs with payment options.

Stunning Visual Customizations

Fully customize your form’s styles, colors, and effects with a wide range of design options for total control over the look and feel.

Innovative Form Designer System

Visually modify any form element, automatically generating corresponding CSS rules for direct editing.

Dynamic Content System

Show the price, value, or quantity of any form element in custom text or HTML code using the “Custom content” component.

Layered Images Component

Display multiple superimposed images with defined visibility conditions for a unique aesthetic touch.

Customer Management

Track customer data and visualize orders from various forms on your website for easy access to client information.

Customer Account System

Allow customers to access their account page to modify their data and view orders, providing a personalized user experience.

Order Editing

Edit orders directly from the plugin backend, update status, modify content, and download or email them from the editing panel.

PDF Generation

Customers can download quotes in the form or receive them via email upon submission as a quote or invoice.

GET Variable Prefill

Auto-fill form fields with GET parameters from the URL, providing a seamless and efficient user experience.

Data Integration with Other Software & Services

Send form data to Zapier, MailChimp, MailPoet, or GetResponse upon form completion, integrating with other software seamlessly.

Form Statistics

Track earnings from estimates, payments, and subscriptions by year or month for each form with a single click.

Field Validation

Define field validation conditions or use custom masks, ensuring accurate data collection in forms.

Conditional Final Redirection

Set multiple final redirections with conditions based on form selections, directing users seamlessly to their next destination.

Discount Code System

Create discount coupons with specific reduction types and maximum uses, applying reductions on total costs.

Progress Saving

Allow customers to save their form progress and continue later, using the browser’s local storage for selections.

Complete Booking System

Manage calendars, events, and email reminders, assign calendars to date pickers, and automatically register events upon order submission.

Electronic Signature

Let customers sign their orders from the final form step, adding signatures to emails and PDFs sent to the admin.

Google Analytics Integration

Track visited form steps by entering your Google Analytics key in the form settings, monitoring user activity.

Component Visibility Conditions

Define visibility conditions for form elements based on user selections and values filled, creating a dynamic user experience.

Dynamic Form Selection Summary

Generate a customizable summary table of form selections displayed at any step, final step, and sent by email.

SMTP Email Account

Configure an existing SMTP email account within the plugin to dispatch all emails directly from this account, streamlining communication.

Customer & Admin Email Customization

Modify the content of emails sent to admin and customers using a WYSIWYG editor, directly from the plugin backend.

Google reCaptcha 3

Protect your forms from spam and bots by adding Google reCaptcha 3 to form settings, securing forms without friction.

GDPR Compliance

Ensure GDPR compliance by allowing customers to view, modify, and request deletion of their data.

Flexible Form Display

Integrate forms seamlessly with shortcode generator, displaying forms inline, fullscreen, or as popups, and adjusting start steps.

Multi-lingual & International

Duplicate forms with a single click, adjusting texts, currency, prices, and date formats for different countries and languages.

Price Range Result

Generate a price range result instead of a precise total cost, defining a proportional or fixed range amount from form settings.

Powerful Variables System

Create custom number or text variables that can be altered during the form process, used in calculations, and displayed in “Custom content” components.

Countless Options

Discover a vast number of useful and well-organized options for forms, steps, and components, unlocking unlimited potential.

Unlimited Possibilities

Unlock unlimited potential with unlimited forms, steps, components, and endless possibilities by combining numerous options.

Premium Support

Benefit from efficient, fast, and friendly support directly from the plugin author, rated 5 stars by customers.

And so much more!

You've simply never seen such a complete WordPress plugin